LEAP year!
LEAP day only happens once every four years but LEAP is working hard to create high quality educational opportunities for children every day. Join us as we celebrate joy, growth and learning this February by participating in our special LEAP year movement challenge!
The Big LEAP Year is a chance to find joyful ways to move our bodies to feel good, to practice an old or new skill, to spend time with family and friends and so much more.
Joining is easy - commit to moving 29 minutes each day for the 29 day in February - and donate $29 to support LEAP.
Invite your friends and family to join you in moving and donating so that LEAP can continue the critical work we do everyday.
Donate ortTake a picture of yourself moving and tag us with the hashtag #TheBigLEAPYear to be entered to win exciting raffle prizes to be announced soon.
Get 10 friends to donate and move with you and receive a Nuestra Escuelita t-shirt designed by local graphic artist Ricky Rodriguez
Our students and families will be moving with us too - practicing different gross and fine motor skills that are critical for healthy development in early childhood. So be sure and follow us on Facebook and Instagram all month to see how we are learning and growing through play and get tips on how to move more and move better!